Thursday, December 4, 2008

what this blog is all about

For a long time, blogs have faithfully accompanied my life - they provide perspective, direction, and a birds-eye view of my personal and spiritual development. Over time, my blogs have evolved into spiritual reflections, as much for my own growth as for anyone who might stumble across it.

Mother Teresa said that loneliness is the worst form of poverty; and in that sense, America is the most impoverished country in the world. People here are lonely, I think, because it's easy to forget that we're all in this together. When individualism is heralded as the highest good, technology as a valuable and expedient alternative to actual human interaction, and capitalism as an excellent opportunity to sacrifice all to "make it" in our society, people forget their most fundamental call - to live in community with one another, bound together by love and service and a collective movement toward our God.

Disenfranchised and disconnected from one another, each man tries to be an island, and considers himself weak or lacking if total independence does not satisfy. The great secret, of course, is that everyone is dissatisfied, and no one wants to admit it. The only ones not subjected to feelings of isolation are the ones who have devalued themselves and their emotions to such an extent that they have psychologically cut themselves off from the prospect of their own weakness, and become cold and distant, sometimes permanently.

People have told me that sharing some of my most intimate self through public reflections like a blog is not a good idea; and, of course, I shall use some discretion in what is posted. But I will not cease to be intimately honest, because that is what souls are thirsting for. I will write my honest thoughts so that anyone who might read this can understand that they are not alone on this earth; bypassing layers of masks and pressures to depict oneself as perfect and strong will, hopefully, allow whomever is reading this to quietly, unassumingly, slip their masks off as well. I hope these reflections can be of some service to you, and ultimately I hope it will help to draw both writer and reader closer to His Divine Love.

peace -

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